Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Devil’s Orchestra by Sydney Molare

Read Excerpt Here
Devil’s Orchestra
How far would you go to get what you want?

Tab McGrifth- #1 radio personality on the Eastern seaboard. He made his money the old way--by stepping on one person at a time. He's lied, cheated and "misrepresented" whatever needed to be as he clawed his way to the top of the pile. Now the man that taught him everything he knows, his old mentor Whitey Ford, has returned....

Deva- Hip hop princess extraordinaire. Many are under the impression that she is just a gorgeous airhead. But nothing could be further from the truth. With her shrewd business mind and amazing "luck", Deva is worth somewhere in the upper nine digit range. Deva, like all of us, has her faults. She loves the money--and what accompanies it--just a bit TOO much. In fact, she is slap out of control. When an old friend from back home, Ed Burris, confronts her about her lifestyle, things get explosive...

Juan Rodriguez- gay author and proud of it too. With his life partner, Zeus and son, Loam, Juan's life is definitely on track. That is, until Bodie pops back into his life. Bodie. Blond, beach boy tan, Juan's first lover. He put the w-h-o-r in whore...and doggonit if Juan wasn't still feeling him...

And then there's Luke...

Devil’s Orchestra…whose side are you really playing for?

Sydney Molare' Books...Fiction that satisfies the soul...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Marketing Tips For Authors

1) Create a website. There are many sites that gives you an
opportunity to create a website. Some of them include Authorsden and
Poet Pages.

2) Get your profile listed. Post your profile at different websites
that targets your genre. Some of them include Writer Magazine, Author
Insider and Author Connection.

3) Subscribe to Listservs. There are many listservs that gives you
the opportunity to meet and network with others, and post information
about yourself and your work. Some of them include The Black Writers'
Guild, Author Zone, The Authors Corner, Poetry 4 Writers, My Books
Out, and All Writers.

4) Post Reviews. Post reviews at your website, listservs such as
Poetry and Book Reviews or community forum.

5) Send Press Releases. Press release should be concise and topic
should be clear.

6) Create a handy handout. The hand out should include bio, photo of
your book, contact information and brief profile.

7) Get Interviewed. Newspapers, TV, Radio Stations and online

8) Submit your work.

9) Never give up!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Leo of the Rose
by Chris Crittenden

are roses lions?
they have manes,
they have claws,
they have eyes that dominate
a quivering life.

they taste blood
that spilled into the earth
and slowly worked its way up
into their drippy mouths.

“death comes back around,” they growl,
stalking in the wind. when someone
snips them and puts them in crystal,
they have caught their favorite prey.

bees are hors d’oeuvres.
storms a libation.
now come the human gazelles
with fancy lopes and gawking necks,
their throats plump with sound-
flighty words
that crumple into tears
much sweeter than rain.

every petal laps
the emotional succulence.
every thorn lunges
into a heart that cowers under thread.

and as it’s always been
the herd flees, leaving the victim
to be devoured by roses.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Free Book Contest

Here's a contest everybody will love. You'd get a chance to bring home a bag's worth of books. The details are below. This contest is courtesy of http://zyphe.blogspot.com

Katie Hart is holding a contest on her website where you can win huge prize packs. The packs include the following:

A Bride Most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist
The Cubicle Next Door by Siri Mitchell
Shivering World by Kathy Tyers
All She Ever Wanted by Lynn Austin
Beyond the Blue by Leslie Gould
CD - My Other Band - Volume One
Four selections from Katie Hart's ARC/galley pile

Comes a Horseman (hardcover) by Robert Liparulo
River Rising (hardcover) by Athol Dickson
Mark of the Cross by Judith Pella
Three selections from Katie Hart's ARC/galley pile

A Garden to Keep (hardcover) by Jamie Langston Turner
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught by Neta Jackson
Paper Moon by Linda Windsor
Three selections from Katie Hart's ARC/galley pile

"But how do I win any of these packs?" you ask. Simple! Just tell others about her site, Waterfall Books and the huge book giveaway! You may email your friends, post the announcement on social/dating networks like Myspace and Hi5 or send out bulletins everywhere, etc. It's up to you. Pump out your creative juices to spread the word. Just know your limits so you may not be banned for spamming.

Whenever you've done something to promote Waterfall Books, email Katie (theloneislands@yahoo.com) to let her know. She is giving one point for each promotion you do - two points or more for creative or extra influential ways of promotion. At the end of January, there will be a tally of points and the top 3 highest point getters will receive the prize packs mentioned above respectively!

But there's more! Go to http://zyphe.blogspot.com/ and leave a comment informing Rachelle that you've subcribed to her yahoogroup and you've done what you ought to do (promotion, marketing, etc) and then you'll be entered to win a book from her!

The winner will get to choose any of these 7 brand-new books:

  • Lasher by Anne Rice
  • The Feast of All Saints by Anne Rice
  • Belinda by Anne Rampling
  • Lakota Dawn by Janelle Taylor
  • Savage Destiny by Rosanne Bittner
  • Miracle by Deborah Smith
  • Tempt Fortune by Hebby Roman

Don't forget to leave your contact info in your comment. She said, she's picking a name from all the entries and post the winner on January 15, 2007.

So, what are you waiting for? Start charming away and keep those subscribers comin'!

Links ideal to include:

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tawny Taylor is proud to announce the launch of a new vampire series titled TWILIGHT’S POSSESSION in 2007. With it comes a new website, http://www.twilightspossession.com/, and a new myspace, www.myspace.com/twilightspossession.

To celebrate the new series, and a second piece of good news--the official acceptance of Real Vampires Don’t Drink O-Neg by Kensington (Sept. 2007)--Tawny is holding a contest.

The prize: A Vampire Lover’s gift basket full of terrific paranormal romance novels, a tote to carry them, and (not shown) a few necessities to help the winner score a sexy alpha vampire of her own.

To enter: email tawny at tawnytaylor@sbcglobal.net with the name for the secret brotherhood of warriors AND their creed copied and pasted into the body of an email (no attachments will be opened). To assure your entry in the contest, please put the words Vampire Lover Contest in the subject line. And please, don’t forget to include your name and contact information.

No purchase necessary.

A BONUS: Extra chances will be awarded to anyone who posts this announcement (including the live links below for Tawny’s websites) on his/her blog and/or myspace. One extra chance per post, up to a maximum of five extra chances per person. So post away! Please! To receive the extra chances, please send a link of the live post in the body of your email, along with your contact information.

Entries accepted Dec. 1 through Dec. 31 (11:59pm, Eastern US Time) The drawing will be held on New Year’s Day and the winner will be announced on Twilights Possession by 5:00 PM Jan. 1, 2007.

Finally, Tawny would like to wish everyone a blessed Christmas and New Year.

Links for contest:
Tawny Taylor’s Erotic Romance with Sassitude
Tawny Taylor’s Twilight’s Possession

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

With Peacemaker's Eyes
by Joseph Bruchac

We are watching
from within the longhouse
where our leaders were chosen
by the patient wisdom
of the gathered Clan Mothers,
raised up by the will
and the love of all the people
where the eagle's wings answered
the songs of peace for the children,
the elders, the coming generations.

We are watching
from within the kiva
where the calm water in the seeing bowl
trembled and the picture formed
of distant events no longer distant,
broken arrows, steel winds of death,
black and burning rain.

We are watching
from within the lodge
where the male deer removed their horns
so that even by accident
no one might be injured.
There, where the fire was held
in the glowing eyes of Grandfather Rock,
we sweated to purify ourselves
for all our relations
as we prayed health and help
for all that lives

We are watching
from the eagle catching pit
without food or water or sleep
as Bear and Deer stood before us to speak
as wind and cloud took shape to whisper
as we saw the far-off forms of greed
of hatred and hunger turn to spears of fire

We are watching
from the shaking tent
from the ghost dance circle
from the dreamer's lodge
from beside the cross fire
where the water bird's wings
throbbed from the water drum.

We are watching from Ndakinna,
from the Paha Sapa,
from beside the Sipapu,
from Cante Ista,
from the Big House,
from the 7th Direction
from the Heart of the World
from that humble place
within our own hearts
that only speaks
when we see ourselves
as Creation always sees us.

We are watching
as the old Muskogee man watched
when the whirlwind approached,
the great cyclone column
swept over the plain
toward his small house
till he raised the hatchet
in both his hands
to strike it down into the willow stump,
splitting the storm
to pass on each side.

We are watching
as the grandmother watched
the small silver screen
in her unheated trailer,
shaking her head in ancient pity
as the men in black judicial robes
sewed stones into their garments
and waded chanting Hail to their Chief
into the dark water and its unknown depths

We are watching
as the white stone canoe
returns once more to the western shore
we are watching as the calm Peacemaker
and Ayontwatha and the Mother of Nations
observe the approach of the new Tadadahos.

The earth shakes beneath their behemoth feet.
Their bodies are contorted by power.

Snakes grow from their hair,
the snakes of greed
the snakes of hate,
the snakes of envy
the snakes of deceit.

They hiss and coil,
those snakes of oil,
those snakes of blood diamonds,
those snakes of death squads
those snakes of disease.

There is no magic,
no weapon of war,
no human law,
no gathered force
that can defeat these Tadadahos,
these Twisted Minds with all their power.

Yet the Peacemaker and Ayontwatha
and the Mother of Nations are unmoved before them.
They wait in the cool shade of the Tree of Peace.
Behind them stand all of the people
who remember what Great Turtle taught them,
hands joined together, they hear the drum
with its heartdeep rhythm begin to beat.
The Great Song of Peace will resound again.
Ayontwatha holds the bone comb in his hand.

Joe Bruchac and his wife Carol continue to live in the same home in Greenfield Center, New York where he was raised by his grandparents and where they run The Greenfield Review Press-- on the web at greenfieldreview.org.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Pains Of Sleep
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ere on my bed my limbs I lay,
It hath not been my use to pray
With moving lips or bended knees;
But silently, by slow degrees,

My spirit I to Love compose,
In humble trust mine eye-lids close,
With reverential resignation,
No wish conceived, no thought exprest,

Only a sense of supplication;
A sense o'er all my soul imprest
That I am weak, yet not unblest,

Since in me, round me, every where
Eternal Strength and Wisdom are.

* * * * *

But yester-night I prayed aloud
In anguish and in agony,
Up-starting from the fiendish crowd
Of shapes and thoughts that tortured me:

A lurid light, a trampling throng,
Sense of intolerable wrong,
And whom I scorned, those only strong!
Thirst of revenge, the powerless will

Still baffled, and yet burning still!
Desire with loathing strangely mixed
On wild or hateful objects fixed.
Fantastic passions! maddening brawl!

And shame and terror over all!
Deeds to be hid which were not hid,
Which all confused I could not know
Whether I suffered, or I did:

For all seemed guilt, remorse or woe,
My own or others still the same
Life-stifling fear, soul-stifling shame.

* * * * *

So two nights passed: the night's dismay
Saddened and stunned the coming day.
Sleep, the wide blessing, seemed to me
Distemper's worst calamity.

The third night, when my own loud scream
Had waked me from the fiendish dream,
O'ercome with sufferings strange and wild,
I wept as I had been a child;

And having thus by tears subdued
My anguish to a milder mood,
Such punishments, I said, were due
To natures deepliest stained with sin,

For aye entempesting anew
The unfathomable hell within,
The horror of their deeds to view,
To know and loathe, yet wish and do!

Such griefs with such men well agree,
But wherefore, wherefore fall on me?
To be beloved is all I need,
And whom I love, I love indeed.